
Medicated Hemorrhoid Treatment

If you find that you can’t control your hemorrhoids through natural means or with changing your diet, then you may need to resort to more drastic measures. This is especially true if you have a particularly bad case of hemorrhoids or if your symptoms are beginning to impact your day to day life. Over the counter hemroid medications such as Preparation H can be readily found at most drugstores. Another type of medicated treatment is available only from your doctor by prescription and is usually in a cream or a suppository form. Whether you would use a cream or a suppository is usually determined by whether your hemorrhoid is internal or external. Both the over the counter version and the prescription version contain similar ingredients but the prescription only version is much stronger. It has more corticosteroids which help with the pain, itching, and swelling. Common prescription medications include Anusol HC and Proctocort.

Most people will never require hemorrhoid surgery. Only when people have a lot of smaller hemorrhoids, a very large hemorrhoid or very painful symptoms is surgery ever required. Hemorrhoid surgery has also come along way with a lot of surgeries being done on an outpatient basis with a minimum of discomfort and fast recovery times. In the past, an actual cutting surgery was done to surgically remove hemorrhoids, this is a hemorrhoidectomy. Now days, hemorrhoidectomies have fallen out of favor and are only used in extreme cases. Most of the newer methods used today don’t involve any cutting, many of them involve cutting off the blood supply to the hemorrhoid so that the hemorrhoid dries up and naturally falls off, this is done with rubber bands, lasers, and staples.

Of all the categories, this is the most important because even if you are using the methods above, hemorrhoids is a conditions that is prone to flare ups. Usually if you have hemorrhoids, even if you control the symptoms or have them removed, they have a tendency to reappear. It’s our goal to prevent you from even having hemorrhoids in the first place, but if it’s too late for that, then we hope to help you prevent further flare ups. The single best way to prevent hemorrhoids is to avoid straining while using the bathroom and best way to do this is to eat a lot more fiber. Fiber will soften your stools and reduce straining. Both of these things will help reduce any current symptoms you may have and also prevent hemorrhoids right at the start. Losing weight, exercise, and avoiding prolonged periods of sitting can also help you prevent hemorrhoids. Obviously you can’t control all aspects that contribute to hemorrhoids such as pregnancy, aging, and genetics but we can try to better manage what is within our control.

