
Optim LLC Acquires Precision Endoscopic Technologies

Endoscope manufacturer Optim LLC announces the asset acquisition of Precision Endoscopic Technologies (formerly MAX Endoscopy of Mentor, OH). The new company, Precision Endoscopic Technologies LLC will operate as a division of Optim LLC and will be co-located at Optim’s headquarters, 64 Technology Park Road, Sturbridge, MA.

Precision manufactures a patented infrared coagulation system (IRC), which has FDA 510(k) clearance for the remediation and treatment of hemorrhoids. The infrared delivery system operates through the working channel of most GI endoscopes that are currently used for colonoscopies and sigmoidoscopies. The Precision system gives the gastroenterologist the opportunity to quickly and with little or no patient trauma treat stage 1, 2, & 3 hemorrhoid conditions.

Dr. Michael Epstein of Annapolis, MD, inventor of the Precision IRC system, will join Precision as its Medical Director and in this capacity will be establishing training centers throughout the US. In addition, Dr. Epstein will be leading the development of new products and new applications of this patented IRC coagulation capability.

Thomas V. Root, President of Optim LLC, the parent of Precision, states that this acquisition provides two significant steps forward for Optim. As Optim’s initial entry into the GI market, this acquisition represents Optim’s first opportunity to move from a purely diagnostic endoscope company to a company that provides both diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic capabilities.

“With over 4-million new cases of hemorrhoids reported each year, we believe that Precision will lead the way in providing a better quality of life for those suffering from this often painful condition” said Root.

Precision will be attending and demonstrating the system at the American College of Gastroenterologists annual meeting in Washington, DC, October 28 through November 1, 2011.


Blood in stool is a reason to see doctor

Most people have experienced blood in their stool. The simple fact is that when there is blood in the stool, this is an abnormal finding. A person that does experience any blood in the stool should see their family doctor.

When a person does experience blood, they need to think back as to whether or not there was any other symptom associated with the blood. It is important to determine if there is a small amount of blood, was it bright red, it is a dark red, did it occur spontaneously, was there any straining associated with it, was there any abdominal pain associated with it. These things can help your family doctor determine what the source is.

One of the leading causes of blood in the stool is a condition known as hemorrhoids. Hemorrhoids can be internal or external. This can only be determined by a person's physician. Hemorrhoids are swollen veins that occur in and outside of the anal canal. When the veins are swollen on the outside of the anal canal, they are known as external hemorrhoids. When they are on the inside of the canal, they are known as internal hemorrhoids.

The leading cause of hemorrhoids are too much pressure on the veins. It is known that diarrhea or constipation can lead to this strain and can cause hemorrhoids. Pregnancy is yet another cause of hemorrhoids, especially during the last few months of the pregnancy. Just being overweight is known to cause hemorrhoids as well.

The most common symptoms associated with hemorrhoids are bleeding, itching, and rectal pain.

If a person is experiencing hemorrhoids, they should see their doctor.

This is a common condition that usually is treated medically without the need for surgery.


Optim buys a business

Optim LLC, a maker of optical imaging tools, has acquired a small startup called Precision Endoscopic Technologies. The acquisition will allow Optim to expand into the field of gastrointestinal endoscopy.

Precision makes a patented infrared coagulation system for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Precision Endoscopic Technologies LLC will become a division of Optim and will share Optim's headquarters at 64 Technology Park Road in Sturbridge.

Optim said the acquisition will allow it to transition from a purely diagnostic endoscope company to a company that provides both diagnostic and therapeutic endoscopic capabilities.
Terms of the acquisition were not disclosed.

“With over 4 million new cases of hemorrhoids reported each year, we believe that Precision will lead the way in providing a better quality of life for those suffering from this often painful condition,” Optim President Thomas V. Root said in a news release.

Lisa Skowyra, marketing associate at Optim, said Optim plans to market and sell Precision's hemorrhoid treatment system. She said Precision has about two employees, who will move to Sturbridge. One of them is Dr. Michael Epstein of Annapolis, Md., who invented the Precision system.

Sturbridge-based Optim, which is privately held, has about 55 employees.


HPV Vaccine And Virus Cause Issues For Males

“I couldn’t sit down for almost a week. You have to completely change around your lifestyle and be a little bit more secretive during your recovery.”

Every year 1,500 men get HPV-associated anal cancer.  21-year-old Tim Donaldson* said he hoped he wasn’t next.

Donaldson, a senior at the University of Southern California, was diagnosed in April with anal condyloma, most commonly known as anal warts. His surgery was scheduled during finals and he remembered the difficult and painful recovery process well.

“I had to take a final standing up and I had to tell my teacher something like ‘I injured my tailbone,’” Donaldson recalled. “I’ve never felt like I had to explain anything to anyone, but it was still awkward.”

According to the Center for Disease Control, 1 percent of sexually active men in the U.S. have genital warts at any time.

Before Donaldson was properly diagnosed, he was treated for hemorrhoids. After he finished running the L.A. Marathon, Donaldson experienced discomfort and noticed some discharge from the area. He assumed it was hemorrhoids and when they didn’t go away after using a topical cream he went to a gastroenterologist. His doctor prescribed him a stronger ointment, but the warts got bigger and itchier and the pain became unbearable.

Donaldson soon found out that he had precancerous anal warts caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV) and they would have to be surgically removed.

“There are three stages of precancerous growth and then it can turn in to cancer,” Donaldson said.

After the surgery a biopsy revealed that some of the warts were stage 2 and 3 growths.

“My doctor told me that it’s a big jump between stage 3 and cancer, but it’s something I need to be monitored for every year,” Donaldson explained.

There is a possibility that Donaldson could’ve prevented the sexually transmitted disease by getting the HPV vaccination, Gardasil.

The Federal Drug Administration approved Gardasil for use in women in 2006 and for males in 2009. The vaccine protects males against HPV types that cause 90 percent of genital warts and most anal cancers. Now available for boys and men ages 9 to 26 years old, the vaccine is given over a few months in a series of three shots.

According to the CDC, approximately 20 million Americans are currently infected with HPV and another 6 million become newly infected each year.

“It had been on my to-do list for a very long time and I just never knew where to get it,” Donaldson said.

The American Academy of Pediatrics added the HPV vaccination for males to the recommended immunization list in February. However, it remains harder for men to get Gardasil over their female counterparts.

“We recommend it, but we aren’t giving it too often,” said Dr. Christine Curtis, a pediatrician in Manhattan Beach, about Gardasil for males. “Most insurance companies aren’t paying for it yet and it’s $500 for a series of three.”

All insurance companies cover the vaccination for women.

“The insurance companies drag their feet as long as they can, so they don’t have to pay for it,” Curtis explained.

Roughly 50 percent of sexually active men and women get HPV at some point in their life, though it is not always physically manifested.

“Almost everybody gets exposed, but most people’s bodies fight it off and it doesn’t invade,” Curtis noted.

Currently no tests exist to detect HPV in men. The virus is passed on through skin-to-skin contact with the genital areas. HPV can also be passed on during oral sex.

Men who have sex with other men are roughly 17 times more likely to develop anal cancer than men who only have sex with women, according to the CDC. Condoms may lower a person’s chance of passing on genital warts, but HPV can infect areas that are not covered by a condom.

Donaldson became sexually active two years ago and has only been intimate with other men. He has had unprotected sex several times. When asked if contracting HPV changed his sexual behavior Donaldson was brutally honest.

“It should have, but I’ve had unprotected sex one more time since it has happened,” Donaldson admitted. “In the moment sometimes you don’t think about it, but after you’ve had sex you are like ‘oh that’s really bad.’”

Donaldson’s doctor told him to tell every future sexual partner that he had HPV, but Donaldson is worried about people’s reactions.

“I feel like if I tell people they more than likely would freak out because they don’t know about it,” Donaldson explained.

He stressed the acceptance and education surrounding HIV and AIDS among the gay community that is lacking around HPV.

“People don’t understand what HPV actually does and how painful it can be,” Donaldson said. “I feel like people are pretty open about being a survivor of HIV and someone needs to start a movement that is very visible about the prevention of HPV.”

Donaldson said he doesn’t think that the HPV vaccination should be mandated because the government shouldn’t be able to force someone to put something in his or her body. However, he said he believes that more research should be made available and the vaccination should be “a lot more recommended.”

“HIV tests are free, but the Gardasil shot isn’t,” Donaldson noted. “If we live in a country where we can advertise Viagra and Cialis you need to be able to advertize the other side of the coin too.”


Upper gastrointestinal bleeding: What medics should know

It's a long haul from the mouth to the anus and a lot goes on during the trip to extract the nutrients we need to survive and dispose of the non-nutritional leftovers. Obviously, this system requires an extensive blood supply to accomplish its mission, but sometimes that blood flow gets diverted.

The gastrointestinal system is mostly one long tube with an opening at each end, with a variable internal tube diameter depending on function. The system follows a somewhat winding path so that most of it can be contained within the abdominal cavity. The tube is divided into an upper and a lower gastrointestinal (GI) tract. The division point is at the ligament of Treitz, a band of muscle and connective tissue that secures the last section of the duodenum to the diaphragm.1 Anything north of the ligament is upper GI: the duodenum, stomach, esophagus and mouth. Anything south of the ligament is lower GI: the rest of the small intestine (jejunum, ileum), cecum, colon and rectum. The upper GI tract is largely responsible for intake and digestion and the lower GI tract for absorption and excretion.

Upper gastrointestinal bleeding is divided into variceal and non-variceal sources. Variceal bleeding is from dilated and over distended veins (varices) in the esophagus and stomach that can produce excessive vessel wall tension and potentially tear thru the vein and bleed. The elevated pressure in these veins is from portal hypertension. The portal venous system moves nutrient rich blood from the GI tract to the liver for processing.2 If the liver is damaged by excessive alcohol use or disease like hepatitis, scarring occurs that can produce cirrhosis of the liver. This causes the hepatic veins to narrow and increase the back pressure in the portal system which produces the portal hypertension that over distends the veins in the esophagus and stomach that may tear and bleed.3

The diseased liver may provide a second threat to life by producing inadequate amounts of clotting factors, thus impeding the formation of blood clots. These patients may require replacement of clotting factors via the transfusion of whole blood or by infusing fresh frozen plasma when packed red blood cells are utilized. Additionally, if excessive alcohol intake is involved, platelets counts can be abnormally decreased and add a third life threat from bleeding.

Non-variceal upper gastrointestinal bleeding or NVUGIB is most frequently from gastric ulcers which are often caused by infection with the bacteria H. Pylori or from overuse of non-steroidal anti-inflamatory drugs, NSAIDSs, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, naproxen, etc. Less common causes of NVUGIB are esophageal ulcers, Mallory-Weiss tears that occur around the gastro-esophageal junction from forceful vomiting, gastric or esophageal erosions from excessive alcohol use or from NSAIDS.4

Field treatment for UGI bleeding is the same as the treatment for any internal bleeding or for external bleeding that cannot be controlled with pressure, hemostatic dressings/pads/gauze, or a tourniquet. Treatment includes: timely transport, supplemental oxygen, judicious fluid therapy and frequent reassessment. If you can provide an anti-emetic, then less vomiting may prevent the disruption of formed clots.

The receiving facility will reassess the patient for signs and symptoms of inadequate perfusion and determine if a blood transfusion is required. Inserting a nasogastric or NG tube will provide a visual of the bleeding activity. A bright red blood NG tube aspirate (or emesis) from NVUGIB or a dark venous blood aspirate (or emesis) from variceal hemorrhage would suggest recent bleeding. If the suction canister for the NG tube continues to fill with either shade of blood, then active bleeding is in progress. If the tube aspirate (or emesis) looks like coffee grounds, then bleeding has occurred in the recent past and become partially digested.

On occasion, patients with UGIB may exhibit copious rectal bleeding from profuse UGI hemorrhage that pushes the blood through the bowel too fast to be broken down or mixed with stool. Fortunately, this does not occur very often. Most cases of rectal bleeding are mild and due to non-life threatening problems like hemorrhoids. Melena is a black, tarry, sticky, smelly stool that is formed as blood moves at a normal pace through the bowel allowing the blood to be digested and well mixed in the stool prior to hitting the end of the line. But all that is black is not blood. Ingested iron, bismuth or black licorice may produce a black stool, although it doesn't tend to be as tenacious and odorous as its cousin melena.

For the patient with suspected NVUGIB, the use of proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) such as omeprazol, pantoprazol or lansoprazol can help slow the bleeding by decreasing the acid production of the stomach and the damage the acid inflicts on exposed blood vessels.4 PPIs may also prevent excess acid from disassembling blood clots already formed in the stomach.5

The patient with suspected variceal bleeding will often have signs and symptoms associated with severe liver damage such as ascites, edema, jaundice, and bruising. Octreotide, a commercial form of the hormone somatostatin, is administered intravenously to produce vasoconstriction of the arterial blood supply to the GI tract. This decreases the venous blood flow in the portal system, which decreases the back pressure in the gastroesophageal varices, which decreases the potential for bleeding.3 It is not clear if octreotide is effective in NVUGIB, but if the bleeding source is unknown the initial facility provider may opt to administer octreotide after the PPI.

Ultimately, patients with UGI bleeding will need the care of a gastroenterologist and, on occasion, a surgeon. Gastroenterologists utilize esophagogastroduodenoscopy (EGD) to view the UGI tract. This is accomplished with a long flexible fiberoptic tube about the diameter of your little finger that is connected to a video camera and provides direct visualization of the esophagus, stomach and first part of the duodenum. Obviously, being able to visualize the upper GI tract generally makes the diagnosis. If active blood flow is noted, a variety of therapeutic attacks on the source of bleeding can be made via the EGD scope. Various devices can be inserted through extra channels built into the EGD tube to reach the esophagus, stomach and duodenum. The business end of these long handled instruments can provide cauterization of bleeding sites, or the ability to band or clip bleeding vessels, or inject areas of hemorrhage with vasoconstrictors such as epinephrine or vasopressin, or inject sclerosing agents (irritants) into varices to cause clotting and scarring to plug the leak.

The need for surgery to control UGIB is infrequently necessary and generally required only after EGD interventions are unable to control hemorrhage.


Not quite staggeringly good health for 50 years

While the nation gorged itself on rugby last weekend, my attentions were elsewhere - two of the most significant anniversaries in my life fell on the same Labour Weekend.

The first was in Lake Ohau, a reunion of Heads Ball attendees from 40 years ago, when busloads (nobody could possibly drive) headed, and I use that verb after considerable thought, to Larnarch Castle to remember and relive hallucinogenic hysteria and wild untamed rock music. What times they were! I'm not saying I inhaled, but I do recall being a key player, which is pretty much all I recall, though I remember one year there was a lovely mist, and another I spent solely in the car park carrying out a scientific experiment with nitrous oxide. We sold tickets for the balls at Records Records, and always wondered why nobody tipped off the cops.

I was quaffing a slice of hazelnut cheesecake and whipped cream in the hospital cafeteria last week when a high-ranking figure on the hospital's technical side, I won't sully his CV by mentioning his name, greeted me like a long-lost brother and said he was looking forward to seeing me at Lake Ohau. "I'm not going," I said. "What?" he ejaculated, eyes popping, "You'd better damn well have a bloody good reason!"

I did. This was the second crucial anniversary: 50 years of type 1 diabetes. I wrote about this a year ago, how excited I was to be only one year away from the Sir Charles Burns Memorial Award, a silver medal, the first medal in fact I had ever won in my life. And now the 50 years are up. But financially, times have slumped. Only in Auckland, where money oozes up through the viaduct wharf like ill-gotten liquefaction, can they afford a silver medal. In Dunedin, our ratepayers kneeled in servitude after draining their children's piggy banks and cutting out wads of untaxed dollar notes from behind their wallpaper, the brave surviving diabetic receives only a paper certificate.

No matter. I took the forms to patient inquiries at Dunedin Hospital and stood triumphantly at the window. I just needed a photocopy of my admission to Wakari Hospital, in a coma, on October 22, 1961, and I was done. "Do you have personal identification?" they asked. Bwahahahahah!! Why would I lie about having diabetes for 50 years?

I felt like the winning Melbourne Cup jockey in the weigh-in room being asked to prove he wasn't a drunk who had just walked in off the street. But I went back the next day with my passbook, and all is well. The presentation will be at the annual general meeting of Diabetes New Zealand next May and there will be a photograph in the national body magazine. I may have to wear a tie.

But the party, the real celebration, was last Sunday.

In view of the staggeringly good health I have enjoyed through the 50 years, testament to my monastic diet and abhorrence of recreational substances, I asked guests, for presents, to bring the things I had missed out on all my life - Crunchie Bars, marshmallows, pavlova, Coca-Cola, milk bottle lollies, chocolate pineapple chunks ... it was a 5-year-old's dream.

Though perhaps staggeringly fine health is pushing it a little.

I was back in hospital two weeks ago for surgery, and I'm looking at my file notes from that visit right now.

Apparently I have had a gall bladder, an appendix and a colon removed, and have had a kidney put in. I am blind in one eye and barely functional in the other, and have endured clostridium difficile, Bell's palsy, two frozen shoulders, glandular fever, extranodal post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder, B-cell lymphoma, acute peritonitis, eye cataracts, Dupuytren's contracture, a peri-anal abscess, hemorrhoids, hyperlipideamia, campylobacter (twice), hypertension, pancolectomy, ileostomy and a prolapsed ileostomy.

Apart from that it's been plain sailing. I think I damn well did have a bloody good reason for not going to Lake Ohau.

Not quite staggeringly good health for 50 years

While the nation gorged itself on rugby last weekend, my attentions were elsewhere - two of the most significant anniversaries in my life fell on the same Labour Weekend.

The first was in Lake Ohau, a reunion of Heads Ball attendees from 40 years ago, when busloads (nobody could possibly drive) headed, and I use that verb after considerable thought, to Larnarch Castle to remember and relive hallucinogenic hysteria and wild untamed rock music. What times they were! I'm not saying I inhaled, but I do recall being a key player, which is pretty much all I recall, though I remember one year there was a lovely mist, and another I spent solely in the car park carrying out a scientific experiment with nitrous oxide. We sold tickets for the balls at Records Records, and always wondered why nobody tipped off the cops.

I was quaffing a slice of hazelnut cheesecake and whipped cream in the hospital cafeteria last week when a high-ranking figure on the hospital's technical side, I won't sully his CV by mentioning his name, greeted me like a long-lost brother and said he was looking forward to seeing me at Lake Ohau. "I'm not going," I said. "What?" he ejaculated, eyes popping, "You'd better damn well have a bloody good reason!"

I did. This was the second crucial anniversary: 50 years of type 1 diabetes. I wrote about this a year ago, how excited I was to be only one year away from the Sir Charles Burns Memorial Award, a silver medal, the first medal in fact I had ever won in my life. And now the 50 years are up. But financially, times have slumped. Only in Auckland, where money oozes up through the viaduct wharf like ill-gotten liquefaction, can they afford a silver medal. In Dunedin, our ratepayers kneeled in servitude after draining their children's piggy banks and cutting out wads of untaxed dollar notes from behind their wallpaper, the brave surviving diabetic receives only a paper certificate.

No matter. I took the forms to patient inquiries at Dunedin Hospital and stood triumphantly at the window. I just needed a photocopy of my admission to Wakari Hospital, in a coma, on October 22, 1961, and I was done. "Do you have personal identification?" they asked. Bwahahahahah!! Why would I lie about having diabetes for 50 years?

I felt like the winning Melbourne Cup jockey in the weigh-in room being asked to prove he wasn't a drunk who had just walked in off the street. But I went back the next day with my passbook, and all is well. The presentation will be at the annual general meeting of Diabetes New Zealand next May and there will be a photograph in the national body magazine. I may have to wear a tie.

But the party, the real celebration, was last Sunday.

In view of the staggeringly good health I have enjoyed through the 50 years, testament to my monastic diet and abhorrence of recreational substances, I asked guests, for presents, to bring the things I had missed out on all my life - Crunchie Bars, marshmallows, pavlova, Coca-Cola, milk bottle lollies, chocolate pineapple chunks ... it was a 5-year-old's dream.

Though perhaps staggeringly fine health is pushing it a little.

I was back in hospital two weeks ago for surgery, and I'm looking at my file notes from that visit right now.

Apparently I have had a gall bladder, an appendix and a colon removed, and have had a kidney put in. I am blind in one eye and barely functional in the other, and have endured clostridium difficile, Bell's palsy, two frozen shoulders, glandular fever, extranodal post transplant lymphoproliferative disorder, B-cell lymphoma, acute peritonitis, eye cataracts, Dupuytren's contracture, a peri-anal abscess, hemorrhoids, hyperlipideamia, campylobacter (twice), hypertension, pancolectomy, ileostomy and a prolapsed ileostomy.

Apart from that it's been plain sailing. I think I damn well did have a bloody good reason for not going to Lake Ohau.


All The Facts About Thrombosed Hemorrhoids

Thrombosis is by definition, the occurrence of a blood clot inside an problematic vein or a swollen artery. If not treated it may restrain necessary oxygen along with metabolic products such as lactic acid. This may possibly result in dead cells. Thrombosed hemorrhoids are fundamentally problematic arteries inside the anus or right on the anus which are filled with clotted blood. This clotting could cause the problematic arteries to enlarge to produce a bulb. If the swollen artery explodes then it’s a bleeding hemorrhoid.

If you think you have thrombosed hemorrhoids then you can view your anus with the help of a hand mirror. Look to see if there exist Try to identify any lumps right on your anus, and in particular hemorrhoid relief lumps that are bluish . They would ordinarily be somewhat hard to the touch. They are also likely to create severe pain and itching. Still Even if there aren’t any lumps on your anus you may possibly still have hemorrhoids anyway. In certain cases hemorrhoids will not be external , they are inside the rectum. internal hemorrhoids cannot hemorrhoid remedies be located directly on the anus. Aside from that, they will not cause pain or itching thus they’re pretty difficult to find.

What you really do not want is a serious case of hemorrhoids which got infected, specially internal hemorrhoids. If you happen to have external bleeding hemorrhoids, then you know how awfully unpleasant they are. Even worse they might just get infected and this would most likely intensify the condition drastically. All the same, you should be able to fairly easily locate infections right on your anus so then you can get it cleared up comparatively easily. Internal infections however are critical. Not just are they really challenging to detect, they’re challenging to cure. Internal infections can potentially develop into blood poisoning which can kill you.

Just a little research online for hemorrhoid treatment possibilities will likely uncover a number of distinct types of hemorrhoid treatment approaches. For more severe instances you might need to undergo an operation. In most cases however, your body can cure the phenomenon on its own with Just a little bit of care from you. Good hygiene, a healthy diet and physical exertion are probably the most reliable hemorrhoid treatment therapies obtainable to cure your hemorrhoids and to assist stop long term hemorrhoids. Be certain to keep your buttocks clean as that is a hemorrhoid treatment . Use topical antiseptics on it regularly Eat plenty of fiber, especially fresh fruits and vegetables because they have a lot of vitamins in them. Walk a couple of miles each day or take up a sports activity that requires strenuous physical exercise. Drink plenty of fluids but avoid alcohol. It is easy to apply topical creams and salves to your anus to assist decrease the pain and itching caused by them. Just know that these are temporary relief but not genuinely hemorrhoid treatment solutions. Not even an operation is a hemorrhoid treatment that can permanently remedy hemorroids. The only way you’re able to truly remedy hemorrhoids is by altering your way of life.


Don't delay on toilet trouble, children told

One in eight children in Hong Kong suffers from constipation and the rate doubles in those not living with their parents.

A Chinese University research team said one of the main reasons so many children suffer is because they delay their bowel movements either through embarrassment or by spending too much time on other pursuits.

Delaying bowel movements may lead to fecal incontinence where, researchers say, pants are often soiled.

In later life a child may suffer from such problems as hemorrhoids or fecal fissures.

The research team interviewed 2,318 primary school pupils, aged six to 15, between March and June and found that 12.2 percent suffer from constipation.

This figure rose to 28 percent in the 200 pupils not living with their parents.

Doctors say at least half of them are able to recover quickly with therapy, treatment or proper diets.

Therapy for those with stubborn constipation may last for several months to a year.

Researchers believe parents play an important role in helping prevent constipation embarrass their children.

For instance, the study found 16 percent of those who do not have dinner with their parents for three or four days in a week suffer from constipation.

Other behavioral causes include spending more than two hours on homework (15 percent) and sleeping less than seven hours a day (17 percent).

University honorary clinical associate professor Tam Yuk-him said an unbalanced diet and embarrassment to avail themselves of a school toilet are two additional reasons.

Lee Hon-cheung, a father of two, said he had to move from Shenzhen to Hong Kong because the cross-border school bus banned his children from boarding after they messed their underwear on several occasions.

The bus company told Lee the other children had complained of the smell.

However, Lee said his son has almost recovered after two years of behavioral therapy and medication.


Ohio's bear markets driven by curiosity, profits and, occasionally

It's also a raccoon market, a fox market and a bobcat market.

Hundreds of Ohioans own, sell or buy wild animals – from skunks in Cleveland to wolverines in Lodi to bobcats in

Mostly, the wild things end up in cages in suburban back yards, on big farms or even in back-room apartments, your neighbor's idea of exotic pets.

Some of those animals can bring profits. Wildlife experts and animal dealers say a market exists in Ohio and across the globe for exotic pets, and for their parts.

Marketable products include meat, pelts, paws for decor, urine for hunters and trappers to mask human scent and even gall bladders, thought by some to have aphrodisiac powers.

“Some people raise 'em to shoot 'em and skin 'em, and others just because they're crazy and want a large carnivore in their house,” said Jeff Illium, 54, a Medina County exotic- animal lover who once owned 130 different wild beasts. “All sorts of people have wild animals, but not everybody knows they're there.”

Ohio's wild menagerie was flushed from cover last week in two incidents.

On May 22, a bear in Ashtabula County broke from its cage and mauled a neighbor in her home. Two days later, a fire in Copley Township killed a black bear cub and two tiger cubs at the home of a wild- animal breeder.

The bear owner, Mark Gutman, whose Grand River Fur Exchange in Hartsgrove Township has 700 other animals, is licensed by the state to breed and sell game and fur-bearing animals indigenous to Ohio.

Copley animal owner Lorenza Pearson, whose son was killed by Pearson’s Bengal tiger in 1983, is under investigation by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, accused of violations of the Animal Welfare Act between 1998 and 2001. A hearing on the suspected violations, which include inadequate housing for animals, is set for next month in Akron.

The Agriculture Department’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service is investigating Gutman’s operation to determine whether it requires a federal license. Gutman breeds and sells wild animals. The state renewed his license in March.

Gutman and Pearson are but two among hundreds of Ohio’s exotic- animal owners and breeders who try to make money selling the animals as pets or for their fur, organs, urine and meat.

Many breeders sell their animals to pet stores. Doug Miller, a law enforcement supervisor with the Ohio Division of Wildlife, said Gutman keeps animals to breed them and sell their urine.

“There’s pretty big money in this,“ he said. “They get $200 for a baby raccoon or fox.” State law prohibits taking animals from the wild as pets, so they must be purchased from dealers.

“Some people, rather than a Persian cat, they like a raccoon or a skunk,” said Ron Ollis, who oversees enforcement for the Ohio Division of Wildlife.

Selling furs also can be a big business. Ohio, one of the nation’s top pelt producers, had 72 licensed dealers in 2004-05. They bought more than 159,000 pelts from hunters, trappers and people who raise the animals for profit, according to the Division of Wildlife.

Then, there’s the unusual — and potentially lucrative — trade in bear gall bladders.

Washington state officials arrested a Vancouver man for poaching bears and selling their gall bladders in 1999. Officials said that the price was $400 in North America and more than $25,000 in parts of Asia.

Ohio wildlife administrator Dave Risley and others have heard of the gall bladders being dried, pulverized and used as aphrodisiacs. State officials are not aware of anyone in Ohio raising bears for gall bladders.

Bear bile has been used for centuries in traditional Chinese medicine to treat intestinal, liver and bacterial infections and to dissolve gall stones. A synthetic version is available.

“Bear bladders can help for everything from headaches to hemorrhoids — but not in the bedroom,” said Tony Nette, wildlife resources manager for the Canadian province of Nova Scotia.


It's Meltdown Time...

Face it, college football is better when Texas is losing. Well, perhaps not better, but definitely more entertaining. Nothing on Broadway in decades has been anywhere near as funny as a Texas message board after the Longhorns go down, and that was again the case this past weekend with Oklahoma State having their way in Austin.

Outside of Texas, with the college football season turning towards the second half there was no shortage of meltdown material across the country, but for purposes of brevity we've capped the piece this week to three more schools. Florida put on one of its ugliest performances since the Carter administration, allowing a weak Auburn team to win with ease simply because the Gators couldn't field a punt, and the once-proud Gator fans were fuming with rage. Meanwhile, Tennessee continues to fall even farther, and with the Vols not even being able to put up a decent fight against LSU more than a few are turning on Derek Dooley. And, of course, we have Ole Miss. Why not? At the end of the day we always have Colonel Reb to kick around.

Subjects of meltdown time this week include dogs, kittens, drunk film review, whiskey, drugs, thrown laptops, Peyton Manning, third graders, flag football, breakdancing, virgins, steroids, Fran, Yankees, Anal Cancer Awareness, tofu, jello, breathalyzers, slaughterhouses, Omaha Steaks, Marcell Dareus, Pasadena, the Allies, the Soviet Union, paralysis recovery centers, porno, Solyndra, drunken urination, hookers, crabs, Scientology, Ron Zook, Valium, Ray Goff, toasters, fat suits, Steve Adazzio, Manute Bol, insomnia, NAPA, lesbians, suicide, cheeseburgers, Bourbon Street, Marines, gay pride, national radio, chainsaws, Omaha Beach, welfare benefits, Roseanne, caves, strychnine, tennis season, hemorrhoids, Astroglide, tree poisoning, alien invasions, Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Jacksonville State, South Panola, and ComicCon.

As always, this piece is in no way safe for work, and should not be read by anyone who is easily offended by foul language. Consider yourself warned.


Tickling God's funny bone

Absolutely! So say Christians and Jews, Mormons and Muslims.

There's a fresh wave of humor among clergy, comics and believers alike, who are putting out new books and taking to the comedy club stages.

They provide a laugh-track counter-trend to the political attacks and Supreme Court cases that often place religion in the public square today. And they create an oasis of common ground where friction among the faithful can be set aside for laughter.

Their jokes can be contemporary but they're rooted in holy texts. When Muslim comic Azhar Usman tours the U.S. with a routine called, "Allah Made Me Funny," he stands on a passage from the Quran: "It is He (God) who causes man to laugh and weep."

There are no jokes at the expense of the prophet or anything sacrilegious. There are plenty of human foibles for fodder, Usman says.

"Allah gets a good laugh out of people who deny him. Think of it from a cosmic view _ God creates human beings with the capacity to question his existence, thereby enabling humanity with a mind that can reach wrong conclusions while He watches. It's pretty funny."

Ages before stand-up comedy, the self-righteous were skewered in Scripture where "the poor are rich; the rich are poor; the blind see; the sighted are blind," says Jesuit priest and humorist James Martin.

Not only can the Almighty take a ribbing from Adam and Eve's descendents, God makes jokes, too. "Humor is a sign of God's creativity. Look at giraffes. If Jesus didn't have a sense of humor, he wouldn't have been fully human," he says.

Even Christian martyrs could be faithful and funny. Martin points to the 258 AD martyr St. Lawrence. As he slowly roasted over a bed of coals, Lawrence told his Roman torturers, "This side is done. Turn me over and have a bite."

"People who can't laugh have a wrong-headed notion about Christianity and the Bible," says Martin, author of a new book, "Between Heaven and Mirth: Why Joy, Humor and Laughter are at the Heart of the Spiritual Life."

Cal Samra, of Portage, Mich., publishes the "Joyful Noiseletter" and humor anthologies that offer family-friendly Christian jokes and fit-for-the-church-bulletin cartoons to numerous denominations.

Samra sees religion humor from early in Genesis, where Sarah, 90, and Abraham, 100, laugh upon learning they'll have a child. They call him Isaac, whose name means "He laughs."

Coming up for the newsletter's Christmas edition: A cartoon of the wise men following the star to a manger where a young woman holds a baby, five are wailing in the manger and a seventh howls in Joseph's arms. The caption says "Sorry, wrong manger but good luck to you."

"God laughing with us." Samra says.

Susan Sparks, pastor of the Madison Avenue Baptist Church in New York City, has been cracking up with the Good Book since she spotted the Almighty cracking wise in 1st Samuel 6:4, where God plagues the Philistines with hemorrhoids.

"We cry with God. We come to prayer bent over with tears. Why not laughter?" she asks.

"I take my cue from Voltaire, who said, 'God is a comedian playing to an audience too afraid to laugh,' " Sparks says.

She often tours with Usman and Rabbi Bob Alper.

Still, religious humor is risky. "Humor and power don't go hand in hand. Humor exposes truth and that can make people nervous," says Sparks, author of "Laugh your Way to Grace: Reclaiming the Spiritual Power of Humor."

Jana Riess encountered that nervousness in writing "Flunking Sainthood: A Year of Breaking the Sabbath, Forgetting to Pray, and Still Loving My Neighbor."

In her memoir of trying to live by 12 practices preached by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, there's a chapter on Mormon hospitality. Riess commends her gynecologist, who knitted stirrup foot warmers to make patients more comfortable, "should our Lord ever need a Pap smear."

No go. Mormons don't see a feminine God and neither will her readers when the book goes on sale in November. It was cut but Riess still thinks God would have been amused.

"We take God and ourselves far too seriously. I put my failings out there and find what's both funny _ and holy. I probably wouldn't be a Christian at all if I couldn't laugh," she says.

Liel Leibovitz, who writes "Blessed Week Ever," the weekly Torah column for the Jewish magazine "The Tablet," doubts anyone could believe in God without laughing.

"There's shared DNA between faith and humor. Both are attempts to deal with fundamental human anxiety and things you can't control. That's why so many rabbis and priests walk into a bar at the beginning of jokes. Laughing gets you past the anxiety," Leibovitz says.

"There are Torah passages that crack me up. Look at the Israelites at Mt. Sinai. God is about to reveal himself and everyone is in chaos. The about-to-be-chosen people want to know, 'Can we transfer this membership card to someone else?' "

"They want to know about being chosen? Chosen for what? And God's answer is, 'You figure it out! What am I, God?' It's mind blowing and entertaining at the same time, which is all you could ask of a text."


Tips to Prevent the Complications in Pregnancy

Pregnancy signs can also vary of their depth, frequency and duration. The following early indicators and signs of being pregnant tips is barely a guideline. Moreover understand that most of the earliest being pregnant symptoms can seem very like routine pre-menstrual discomforts.In case you are not making an attempt to conceive, you would possibly suppose it is just your interval coming on as quickly as more, when in reality it is attainable you’ll be experiencing very early indicators of pregnancy. When you’re making an attempt to conceive, you may be pissed off once you assume you could possibly be experiencing early signs of pregnancy however they’re solely pre-menstrual symptoms. Being pregnant indicators sign that you are pregnant or that you simply may be. As you contemplate when you might possibly presumably be pregnant, maintain in ideas that various the signs of being pregnant might be not as specific. For instance, not everybody will expertise the an identical signs or even all of them. Your physique will resolve a lot of the symptoms you make, but so will every pregnancy. Therefore, when you suspect chances are you’ll be pregnant, you might want to find out if it is the case by way of a home being pregnant check out or by seeing your doctor.

Being pregnant symptoms from the fourth and fifth month normally continue. Shortness of breath could improve. Breasts could start producing colostrum ? tiny drops of early milk. This might increasingly proceed throughout pregnancy. Being pregnant symptoms differ – some girls might have all the signs, some have few. The intensity of the symptoms also varies. In case your missed period is accompanied by every other pregnancy symptom, likelihood is you’re pregnant. This offered you would not have any well being problems. Being pregnant signs can begin for some moms immediately after conception. Some pregnancy signs require that you chart your cycle, noting your every day basal body temperature. Pregnancy signs differ from lady to girl and being pregnant to pregnancy, however probably the most important being pregnant signs is a delayed or missed menstrual cycle. Understanding being pregnant signs is important as a outcome of every symptom could also be associated to something aside from pregnancy. Some ladies expertise pregnancy signs inside per week of conception. For different ladies, symptoms may develop over a couple of weeks or will not be current at all. Beneath is an inventory of among the commonest pregnancy symptoms.

The pregnancy symptoms before missed period that have been mentioned above can also be the symptoms of other body abnormalities. If you have been experiencing such an indication knowing that you have your first intercourse, this might possibly lead to reality conceiving. However, a woman should be aware enough of whether those existing indicators would really determine the case. Pregnancy symptoms before missed period are in several forms and in a distinct draw near that must be considered by both women who wish of conception. The pregnancy symptoms of the fourth month continue this month. Heartburn, constipation, breast changes, dizziness, shortness of breath, nosebleeds, and gum bleeding are common. Breasts may be as much as two cup sizes bigger by this time. When pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, weight gain, mood swings and bloating occur in men, the condition is called couvade, or sympathetic pregnancy. Depending on the human culture, couvade can also encompass ritualized behavior by the father during the labor and delivery of his child. Couvade has a long anecdotal history and is named from the French verb couver, which translates as ?to hatch? or “to brood.” The phenomenon has received attention from biologists only quite recently, however.

Early pregnancy symptoms and signs differ from one woman to the other and from one pregnancy to the other. The most significant early pregnancy sign is a late or missed menstrual period . However, the only definite diagnosis even with the best pregnancy sign is to have a positive pregnancy test . While pregnancy symptoms can come and go, symptoms that completely disappear could indicate a problem. This is also true of symptoms that are severe. Never hesitate to call your doctor or midwife if you have concerns. Other pregnancy symptoms may include changes to your discharge. This again, is your body hard at work preparing itself to keep the baby safe. It is perfectly normal, however if you start to have uncomfortable feelings down below, itchiness or a smell, we recommend that you consult a Doctor, as it is possible you might have contracted an infection.

Early pregnancy symptoms vary from lady to woman. Some are capable of expertise pregnancy indicators and symptoms within days of conception whereas it takes weeks for others to expertise even the earliest sign of pregnancy. Listed under are some typical early being pregnant symptoms that manifest in most women. Early being pregnant signs can sometimes occur before a missed interval and before a constructive pregnancy test. Especially the three, 4, 5, and 6 weeks pregnant signs. Early pregnancy signs and indicators are normally associated to the being pregnant hormone hCG or “Human Chorionic Gonadotropin” which is liable for pregnancy signs. Even though hCG is normally not detectable in giant number until after a missed menstrual interval, there are tons of ladies who report having typical pregnancy signs even before they miss their period. There are early detection being pregnant exams out there than can affirm pregnancy as early as 6 – 8 days after conception has occured (well before a missed period).

Women who got pregnant for the first time might still not see any changes in their weight or the size of their abdomens. However, if this is not the first time, it is possible to notice larger waistlines during this week. Nausea may worsen at this point and sensitivity to smell may increase as well, which may cause frequent vomiting. Women often start feeling tired and have a more difficult time breathing as the uterus expands up. They may get varicose veins ? blue or red swollen veins most often in the legs ? or hemorrhoids ? varicose veins of the rectum. Hemorrhoids can be painful and itchy and cause bleeding. Women may also get stretch marks where skin has been expanded. Braxton-Hicks contractions, heartburn, and constipation may continue. Women may urinate a bit when sneezing or laughing because of pressure from the uterus on the bladder. Hormones may make hair appear fuller and healthier.


Hemroids Treatment

Wanting hemroids treatment to get rid of hemroids permanently in only days of organic remedy? Not possible because it might be, but you can find certain ways to accomplish the results you would like by means of natural treatments. These medicines would certainly be of help.

Lengthy prior to over-the-counter (OTC) drugs had been released inside the industry, our ancestors created hemroids treatment by means of natural medicines. They were diligent sufficient to understand which with the accessible herbs within their backyards could help soothe one ailment and another. Up to these contemporary times, a whole lot of individuals nonetheless believe within the energy of herbal medicine.

Many pharmaceutical organizations are on the verge of recommending OTC therapy for hemorrhoids. The modern day instances require effort for science to appear into hemroids treatment which is chemical based and scientifically authorized at that. For some, nonetheless, organic hemoroids therapy is being regarded as. A few of these medicines are:

Hemotrol can be a mixture of herbal ingredients like licorice, figwort, rhubarb, achyranthes, bugbane, nut grass, thorowax, and baical skullcap roots additionally Chinese angelica and pagoda tree fruit. It assists reinforce the veins which stop the distress accompanying the existence of hemorrhoids. With this truth, you are guaranteed to obtain lengthy enduring relief by utilizing hemotrol.

Venapro is simply like hemotrol. Taking venapro will give you lengthy relief from your hemroids. Particularly, venapro would ensure results such as rest and restore with the inflamed tissue, loosening from the passageway of feces to alleviate you from unpleasant discomfort, and restoration with the normal blood movement of one’s rectum. These three consequences of utilizing the all-natural hemorrhoid therapy allow it to offer lengthier relief results. The ingredients of venapro contain among other people – horse chestnut, arnica, fluoride of lime, St. Mary’s thistle, stone root and witch hazel.

Avatrol, unlike the initial two natural hemroids treatment could not guarantee a lasting effect. Nonetheless, it ensures that your hemroidal signs will be lessened when you attempt the solution and its incidence considerably reduced. Specific herbs, flovanoids and vitamins compose avatrol. The use of avatrol encourages gastrointestinal wellness hence decreasing the tendency of being constipated. It also is mainly worried with addressing the mineral levels influential in hemroidal problems.

How do we actually know that we’re undergoing all-natural hemroids treatment if we don’t truly endure the product’s scrutiny? It is very best to understand what amongst the organic components are great sufficient to deal with hemroids. You might also decide to use the herbs by themselves. Here are some:

Witch hazel. This herb is identified to relieve inflammation and bleeding.

Aloe vera. This plant has been utilized for more than a century to soothe skin problems and would definitely assist inside your hemroids problems.

Pilewort. It’s identified for the assist it could give blood vessels also as the fact that it aids in stopping the blood from clotting.

Pine bark and grape seed. These two herbs maintain your veins in good problem and so are apparently portion of strawberries, blackberries and cherries.

You will find other strategies that might be considered as hemroids treatment by means of the natural way, like Hemroids Wonder. Go to us if you want to learn more about this method.


How to treat hemorrhoids

Anorectal or anal-rectal disease, is a catch-all term for several conditions affecting the anus or the rectum. These include: hemorrhoids, anal fissures, abscesses, fistula and even cancer. Hemorrhoids, which are swollen and inflamed veins that develop in the lower rectum (internal) or around the anus (external), are very common, affecting about 75 percent of the population, according to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse. For some people they cause no symptoms, but for others there may be bleeding after a bowel movement.

Hemorrhoids can be caused by chronic constipation or diarrhea, straining during a bowel movement, sitting on the toilet longer than needed, or not eating enough fiber. They are also common during pregnancy when more pressure on the abdomen cause veins to enlarge in the lower rectum and anus. As we get older, hemorrhoids may also appear as the tissue in the area gets weaker.

Often changing your diet to include more fiber-rich foods and drinking enough fluid can help reduce the pain and swelling of the hemorrhoids by making the stool softer and easier to pass. The American Dietetic Association recommends 26 grams of fiber per day for women and 36 grams per day for men.

Other treatments may include taking stool softeners, drinking at least six to eight, 8-ounce glasses of fluid (non-alcoholic) each day, sitting in a warm bath (sitz bath) for 10 minutes at a time, exercising and not straining during bowel movements.

If needed, the hemorrhoids can be removed using methods that cut off the blood supply and cause them to shrink such as banding (rubber band ligation) or through the injection of chemicals (sclerotherapy).

If the hemorrhoids are large, surgical removal may be necessary. The hemorrhoid is excised and the incision is closed with sutures that will dissolve as the wound heals. Your physician will help you decide the best method from removal.

There is no guarantee that your hemorrhoids won't return after treatment, but if you follow the dietary recommendations and make sure to prevent constipation, your chances of having a severe case of them are diminished.


"Dancing with the Stars": Ricki Lake floats; Nancy Grace sinks

And so the stars went to movies-- to dance to music from films that featured, well, real stars as opposed to Rob


First on the cast list was Chynna Phillips, dancing to "Mission Impossible". That might seem like an absurd sentence,

but this whole competition is an absurd sentence.

You can tell that by the footage from the rehearsals: Phillips was heard to utter the cliché: "This week is huge for

us." Yes, fail, and shame will rain down upon her to such a degree that she would no longer be able to hold on.

Phillips' partner, Tony Dovolani, channeled his inner, larger Tom Cruise, as he descended on a cable, ready to steal

the jewels, her heart or, at least, the show.

Sadly, this tango (I think) turned out to be Mission Mechanical. Phillips moved as if she were a member of Gary

Numan's Tubeway Army or Devo. (Oh, Google them.)

She seemed to forget her steps. She seemed to forget where she was. She seemed not to remember a single thing she

might have learned in rehearsals. It was as if she had been replaced by a particularly empty-headed replicant.

This was Mission Not-Even-Passable.

"It all went up the Swannee River," said head judge Len Goodman. "You panicked."

"You were slash-and-burn hot, but you lost the plot," said judge Bruno Tonioli.

This was a Chynna that even Google might feel sorry for.

David Arquette, so fortunate to still be on the show, was reminded by partner Kym Johnson that he was a movie star.

Perhaps, we needed reminding of that too.

His paso doble was to the tune of "Raiders of the Lost Ark".

Arquette claims to be dyslexic. He claimed not to be able to tell left from right. He swung in on a rope from the

right and proceeded to wander left, right and center through movements that seemed to resemble Arnold Schwarznegger in

the gym. His arms were stiff. His legs were stiff. His eyebrows were rigid. His face was panic-stricken. If this man

were in search of buried treasure, he would have come back with a banana skin and some cheese rind.

For reasons that defy the eyes, brain and psyche, the judges seemed impressed.

"I love the way you crack your whip," declared Tonioli, standing to attention. He complimented Arquette's tight

muscles and tight pants.

Carrie Ann Inaba gushed with sexual enthusiasm.

Oddly, Goodman came to the rescue. "For me, it was all Temple of Doom," he said. He explained that Arquette's body was

all over the place and that his feet were "stomping". Arquette tried to object. Goodman said he stomped like a farmer.

Worse, he claimed he never saw any sign of Arquette having tight buttocks. So there.

Carson Kressley knows what fashions make buttocks look tight and what fashions make backsides sag.

His task this week was to dance a waltz to music from "Pirates of the Caribbean", which was akin to asking Britney

Spears to perform a little Verdi aria.

Kressley's choreography involved a little sword-fighting and, given his considerable lack of co-ordination, it was no

surprise that his perfectly puffed lips suffered a blow from partner Anna Trebunskaya's improvisational stick in


Kressley sported a blonde beard, rather than a black one. His waltz seemed to comprise hopping, rather than gliding.

It was as if a choreographer had taken one look at him and declared: "What shall we do with the drunken sailor?"

It was again, though, so very entertaining, in the way that encouraging a stripper to kiss the groom at a bachelor

party is entertaining.

Kressley is such a delight that you forget that there are supposed to be steps, movements and body positions. Instead,

one tends to see a gaping mouth, startled eyes and feet searching for solid ground. And one likes it.

"It was like being on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride, but weirder," opined a strangely tearless Inaba. "This was

your most butch performance."

However, his technique seemed to give her something akin to hemorrhoids.

"It was like childbirth," offered Goodman. "Terrible while it's happening and a joy when it's over."

Tonioli explained that Kressley had finally revealed the truth about Jack Sparrow--that he was a gay blade.

Nancy Grace is an entirely different, sharper kind of blade. Her partner, Tristan McManus, wanted her to be as big as

possible. He wanted aggression. This was, after all, (supposed to be) the paso doble.

The song was from "Flash". Grace flashed some thigh and some highly furrowed eyebrows.

At the end of a tightly-wound performance-- during which, at several stages, one wondered whether she was being played

by Ricky Gervais-- Grace collapsed in something of a heap.

This was clearly not in the choreography and may well have merely been caused by exhaustion brought on by excessive


"I can't get excited because it's not exciting," moaned Goodman.

"Nancy, you've got to become a ball-breaker out here," snittered Tonioli.

Hope Solo had to dance to something from "Toy Story". Solo was tetchy in rehearsals. She claimed to be a

perfectionist. It was hard not to imagine that her partner, Maksim Chmerkovskiy, was getting just a little tired of

this classic uptight American act.

Their foxtrot was a strangely jolly affair. Solo's feet were sometimes unsure, but her smile was very firmly planted

on her face all the way through.

"That was so lovely," said Tonioli.

"I get frustrated," whined Goodman. Why? Well, because Solo could go all the way, but he thinks she's not working hard

enough. The uptight goalkeeper isn't working hard enough? That might affect her sleep.

"Keeping Up With the Kardashians" can affect anyone's sleep. Little brother Rob was asked to dance to the theme from

"Superman", which suggested that at least one producer has s sense of irony.

"I don't have a life outside of this," he said of this competition. Some might wonder whether he did before this


Kardashian performed this paso doble like Clark Kent after a visit to the proctologist. He expressed all the

masculinity of baking powder, which doesn't mean his was the worst dance of the night, or, indeed, his worst dance of

the competition.

He did tend to stick his belly out as if he'd not eaten for a while, but his effort was whole-hearted, even if his

technique was whole-Jerry Springered.

"There is something about the way you move," gushed Inaba. She found him male.

"I can't go into raptures about it," gruffed Goodman. "When you were going around, it was like a waiter offering hors


This was, perhaps Goodman's greatest night ever as a judge. It was as if he'd been infected with a peculiar strain of

uplifting objectivity.

Many imagined that Ricki Lake was the one who had been infected with a peculiar strain of insider dealing, on entering

this extravaganza. After all, she'd been in "Hairspray". This included quite some dancing.

She would have to display quite some dancing when executing a tango to the music from "Psycho".

She did. Black clad, like her partner Derek Hough, Lake showed astounding body control. Not only were her steps

precise, but her face and torso offered just the requisite amount of fright-- in a good way.

She did, however, get stabbed at the end. It was just play-acting, but even Dr.Phil in the audience looked frightened.

And she hadn't even told him her problems.

"This was a blockbusting performance, worthy of three sequels," waffled Tonioli.

Both he and Inaba offered her the maximum score. Which was slightly psycho, but only slightly.

Chaz Bono loved the underdog movie "Rocky". Appropriate, then, that this was to be his theme music for the night. This

was the paso doble, so Bono needed to show his aggressive side, should he have one.

He emerged in boxing gloves and a boxer's dressing gown. He tried to float like a butterfly. But this was like trying

to get a Teletubby to play Mike Tyson. Bono is simply too nice, too decent to make you believe he would punch you in

the chops.

But, to mom Cher's cheers, he tried his little heart out.

"You keep coming back, you keep fighting," said Tonioli, diplomatically.

Inaba was in tears. "Somehow you get under my skin. You make me root for you," she said.

"It was your best dance to date," encouraged Goodman.

J.R. Martinez really is a dancer. His Pink Panther foxtrot was elegant, refined and fluid, even if he was wearing an

entirely pink outfit.

"I thought it was OK," said Inaba. "For some reason, this performance fell a little flat for me. You didn't need the


I am sure some directors must have said that to Peter Sellers once or twice.

"This was the best male dance of the night," countered Goodman, suggesting that Inaba was two steps short of a waltz

and a continent removed from humor.

Once the dancing is over, though, it's down to the dancers' popularity. In the actual dancing, there is a vast chasm

between the good and the rest. But who might have the smallest following? Surely, not Rocky.


Caring for Elderly Hemorrhoid Patients

More and more children and grandchildren are caring for seniors with hemorrhoids. This article on caring for seniors with hemorrhoids was inspired by a close friend who became the primary caregiver for an aging parent. My friend “Wendy” found herself in the position of being responsible for the care of her aging mother. Her mother lives on a fixed income of around $1200 a month and has Medicare.

There was not enough disposal income to hire home healthcare workers or certified nursing assistants. Being an only child “Wendy” had the job of caring for her mother as needed. “Wendy” could not afford to stop working her regular job, so she had to pay neighbors to check on her elderly mother when she was working during the day. When she got off work she became the sole caregiver. This worked out great until her mother ended up with severe hemorrhoids.

The hemorrhoids were treated by a doctor through Medicare, but there was going to be a recovery time to heal from hemorrhoid laser surgery. This meant “Wendy” would have to take her vacation days off to care for her mother. Neighbors were not going to help out when it came to dealing with a non-relative that was healing from hemorrhoid treatment. Caring for seniors with hemorrhoids takes patience and special hemorrhoid products.

The Medicare doctor provided a list of over-the-counter hemorrhoid creams that would help with pain and promote healing. After that “Wendy” was left on her own to figure out the rest. My close friend asked for my advice since I was a former hemorrhoid sufferer and now a contributing writer for a hemorrhoid blog. I have read lots of emails and done research on many topics that deal with treating and curing hemorrhoids.

In her mother’s hemorrhoid case mobility was an issue. Hydraulic lifts fitted with comfort slings with a commode opening make moving seniors easy and comfortable for both the patient and caregiver. This allows for complete access to the rectum and anal cavity where hemorrhoid medication needs to be applied.

These devices also make using the restroom and keeping the healing area sanitary much easier than trying to move a senior with mobility difficulties. One of the biggest dangers to seniors healing from hemorrhoid laser surgery or other hemorrhoid treatment is infection.

I’m glad to share that in the end her mother made a full recovery from hemorrhoid laser surgery. Her mother now can move around by herself without discomfort or pain. Medicare will only pay for certain treatments and likely that will not include in-house home healthcare after hemorrhoid removal. If a senior is on a fixed income it’s essential to buy hemorrhoid products that can assist relatives that are now the primary caregivers.


An Account Of Bleeding Hemorrhoids Their Causes And Treatments

Bleeding hemorrhoids can produce extensive displeasure.They can frighten the poor patient horribly if they are unaware of what is taking place. Though they may be relatively frightening, bleeding hemorrhoids in most cases usually aren’t terminal. Hemorrhoids are blood vessels inside of the anal channel that have been through an extensive amount of pressure, particularly when going 2. What transpires is the blood vessels swell and so the blood proceeds to clot. This results in bulbous blood vessels which can many times rupture. If they do rupture that causes your anus to bleed a fair amount. It looks like it is terminal though it in reality is not. In the event that you discover that you really have bleeding hemorrhoids you seriously should consult a health care professional as soon as possible. In this way you can opt for a hemorrhoid treatment that can remedy your hemorrhoids. This content contains a number of of the different hemorrhoid treatment potentials available so we hope, after reading this you’ll be equipped to make that vital choice.

Surgery is the leading procedure for treating bleeding hemorrhoids. Nonetheless, it has its drawbacks. In internal hemorrhoids the first place, surgery produces extensive displeasure. On top of that, surgery is not going to ordinarily heal so rapidly. So, the most effective hemorrhoid treatment for bleeding hemorrhoids is to prevent them to start with. It can be done if you ascertain that you have hemorrhoids at its onset and get started on hemorrhoid treatment as soon as possible. Take notice of your diet plan, particularly fiber and drink a lot of water. You can get hemorrhoids to mend more or less on their own with a little bit of care. Keep your butt clean and always use an antiseptic.

A wellknown hemorrhoid treatment procedure for bleeding hemorrhoids would be the stapled hemorrhoidectomy. This hemorrhoid treatment is not going to bring significant physical pain, since it uses a circular stapler to decrease the bleeding of the redlooking blood vessels. This hemorrhoid treatment procedure hemorrhoid remedies is commonly used to treat prolapsed hemorrhoids, but also will also work well on just about all bleeding hemorrhoids. Another popular hemorrhoid treatment is defined as hemorrhoidal artery ligationThis technique utilizes a proctoscope and a Doppler transducerwhich identifies and ligates the arteries that causes the bleeding of your hemorrhoids. With the ligation of your arteries , the pressure would be a whole lot lowered. This operation is reasonably painless and safe. It is a preferred alternative to some other surgery based hemorrhoid treatment potentials.

Even though a health care professional is certain to suggest an operation as a way to treat your bleeding hemorrhoids,you can fight bleeding hemorrhoids by means of alternative hemorrhoid treatment solutions. You can potentially administer ointments and creams to hemorrhoids treatment help ease the itching and puffiness. You can apply a ‘sitz’ bath also. Basically, if you can make yourself eat fruit and veggies and hemorrhoid remedy fiber that can help plenty. Try not to exert an excessive amount of pressure on your pelvis, specifically when going 2. If you are expecting a baby or heavy be specially careful to not hurry the process. Hemorrhoids, even bleeding hemorrhoids can, and often do, heal if you would mearly treat them.


This Is Our Overview Of The H Miracle

In the event that you have ever had to deal with hemorrhoids you know the pain and embarrassment that will comes with them.  Many people have also resorted to surgery as a approach to alleviate the pain.  While others use creams and various other medications to deal with their hemorrhoids.  Until recently those were the only options to help people cope with this condition.  Now you will find a new program on the market called the H Miracle, this is an organic and natural approach to curing your bouts of hemorrhoid pain.

The fact that hemorrhoids can be painful and also disturbing is only the beginning as they can also affect other aspects of your life.  And if you happen to be a sufferer of hemorrhoids and also have some type of desk job, you might end up suffering more than others.  For these folks in particular, hemorrhoids can be exceptionally painful and can affect the amount of work they can accomplish every day.

It is presumed that millions of people have problems with this affliction around the globe.  Everyone’s case of hemorrhoids is distinctive while some need to use creams and medicines continuously, other people only have a moderate case which simply makes things uncomfortable.

One thing you learn in this program is how your diet can adversely impact your hemorrhoids.  You’ll additionally learn why you’ll need to stay away from these errors at all costs.  One more thing you’re going to learn in this program is the actual cause of hemorrhoid flare ups.

You’ll also find many testimonies all of which have been unsolicited.  This means that these people supplied these testimonials voluntarily without ever being contacted.  You will also discover that these people were able to get relief from their hemorrhoids in just a couple of days.

While the program itself was certainly not created by a doctor, there are real doctors who are advocating this program to their patients.  That point in and of itself truly shows the helpfulness of this product.  This program heals your hemorrhoids by attacking the cause of the hemorrhoids not just the symptoms.

Also, mainly because that this program is selling for $69.95, you could very easily end up saving hundreds of dollars in hemorrhoid creams and medications.  Your price savings could end up in the thousands if you are one of the unfortunate people who use prescribed medication constantly each and every day.

As I pointed out earlier the creator of this system, Holly Hayden, is not a doctor.  Holly researches alternative treatments and if you end up buying her program she provides for you five additional bonus products all centered around all-natural remedies.  And the fact that this program provides a money back guarantee makes this a great choice.  But because this product can work within only a couple of weeks, you have time to know if this program has been effective for you.  The additional natural remedies books will be yours to keep whether or not you ask for refund.

So for any individual suffering from hemorrhoids, and looking for all natural cure, this could be the solution to your problems.  Don’t forget that this product comes with a 60 day money back guarantee thus you have absolutely nothing to lose except your hemorrhoids. A simply mindblowing report on demarini softball bats that will make you sit straight up. You will not find everybody using demarini softball bats to get what they want.


Pregnant Mom 'Stork Parking' Is for the Birds

I wouldn't say that the world is exactly brimming over with opportunities for pregnant women to receive preferential treatment. Pregnancy is a normal physiological process, after all, and most of us are expected to carry out our usual duties when we're expecting a child. But the idea of a "pregnant ladies don't have to stand in line" policy made me think of a teeny, tiny pet peeve of mine.

You know, the parking spots—usually at Babies 'R' Us—that are reserved for pregnant moms. Nothing against pregnant women, but ... I kind of hate that stupid freaking sign.

I know, I know, I sound like a bitter old crank who's just jealous she isn't pregnant right this very instant. Oh, you got me there—I SO wish I were lumbering around with itchy hemorrhoids and missile-sized boobs just for the thrill of parking next to the handicapped spaces. Not.

It's just that if any able-bodied person on this earth could use a closer parking spot, it's the mother who has one or more children on the OUTSIDE of her body. I mean, come on, a fetus might be uncomfortable, but at least the child is self-contained. Pregnancy is a cake walk compared to the logistical ass-painery of ferrying children through parking lots once they're born. If you're not chasing them down to make sure they don't blindly run out in front of a moving vehicle, you're wrestling them into strollers or hefting them in arm-cracking carseats. Even now that my kids are 6 and 3, I feel like a bug-eyed Border collie whenever we navigate a parking lot, because children can be—well, there's no nice way to say this: CHILDREN CAN BE STUPID AS HELL.

In comparison, a pregnant woman typically only has to worry about whether her ever-increasing ass will fit between the parking spaces as she waddles in to survey the burp cloths. I'm just saying: I may have been Michelin-sized when I was pregnant, but it was a damn sight easier to get around than it is now that I have two kids in tow.

I realize some pregnant women have health issues that affect their mobility, but ... well, is that not what a temporary handicap placard is for?

It's pretty obvious that when Babies 'R' Us puts up a stork parking sign, it's just a customer appreciation effort—something that markets to their target demographic. It makes sense there, even if it does irritate me a bit. But when stork parking shows up at grocery stores and other places, it seems a little ridiculous to give preferential parking to someone who isn't handicapped.

I'd rather see a store focus on making the aisles wide enough and the carts safe enough. Or better yet, if our society would like to provide a more convenient situation for pregnant women, how about more flexible work situations, better maternity leave, and health insurance that actually covers our medical expenses?