
Are Internal Hemorrhoids Curable?

Hemorrhoids may be considered as one of the most common conditions which are least reported. Needless to say, confiding with someone, even with the closest person on earth a person has, can still elicit shyness and awkward feelings. How much more if you have to consult a complete stranger about it? Still—hemorrhoids need to be addressed immediately because it can bring about a long list of complications one may suffer from in the long run.

Hemorrhoids are lesions in the anal orifice due to excessive strain a person exerts while defecating. As such, this is common especially when a person is frequently constipated. Also, this can happen to women as a result of natural childbirth where women exert too much effort in pushing the baby out of the womb. Diarrhea can also lead to hemorrhoids because of the projectile and forceful blow of the stool into the thin and sensitive anal lining.

There are actually two forms of hemorrhoids based on medical books. First is internal hemorrhoid—as the term suggests, these arise from the dilated veins inside the anal orifice. Tiny internal hemorrhoids may be indistinguishable but as time passes, these may grow large and protrude. External hemorrhoids on the other hand, are located outside the anal canal and may look like a normal part of the outer anal area.

Drugs For Internal Hemorrhoids Treatment

There are many drugs that can be used in order to manage the signs and symptoms, including the discomforts of having a hemorrhoid. However, these drugs are not expected to directly heal the hemorrhoids as these are simply symptomatic forms of management for Internal Hemorrhoids Treatment.

Topical creams may be applied and these creams may contain medications which can lessen pain by leaving the affected area numb and anesthetized, i.e. lidocaine, benzocaine, benzyl alcohol and the likes. These may come in the form of creams or gels that need to be inserted into the anus.

Vasoconstrictors are those drugs which lessen the vascularity of the veins in the anus. By this, it reduces swelling and inflammation. Phenylephrine and epinephrine are some of the common vasoconstrictors that can be applied.

In terms of protective layers and coverings, like what many creams do, the following can be applied: aluminum hydroxide, lanolin and glycerin. These substances provide a protective sheath above the inflamed blood vessels thereby lessening the pain and contact of these hemorrhoids to materials like fecal matters.

Medical and Surgical Procedures for Internal Hemorrhoids Treatment

Sclerotherapy involves the injection or incorporation of a drug or chemical that will cause inflammation and scarring of the vascular veins. Once these tissues have scarred, hemorrhoids will be gone. Apart from that rubber band ligation is another modality wherein a band is placed around the hemorrhoids to prevent blood circulation in the areas of the hemorrhoids. This will lead to the death of the excluded tissues and subsequently leads to scarring of the tissues.

Internal hemorrhoids treatment may vary depending on the severity and assessment of the hemorrhoids as observed your physician. Thus, it is always best to seek for his or her medical advice the earliest time possible.

