
My products are well researched and selective

“My products are well researched and selective,” said Dr. Rivera. “Most of the products I recommended to patients at my practice.”

Skin is the largest organ of the human body and also the first thing people notice. As such, we all desire healthy, radiant skin, but many people suffer from skin ailments. Thankfully, it offers high quality products that soothe, treat, and prevent further damage. Psoriasis causes itching, burning, and scaling that is both uncomfortable and unattractive. HealFast DermaSolve or Revitol psoriasis treatment effectively calm and rejuvenate the skin without nasty side effects associated with prescription medications. Although no one likes to own up to it, hemorrhoids are a common problem. Don't suffer in silence any longer! Try Bowtrol probiotic or Venapro hemorrhoid formula for fast relief. Some skin ailments are simply a result of passing time. Uncover youthful looking skin with a gentle exfoliating wash and anti-aging cream.

Acne is not just a skin ailment that affects hormonal teenagers; adult acne is a real and embarrassing problem. What many acne sufferers do not realize is that the causes of acne are internal as well as external. The treatments available through the website, particularly Acnezine, include topical creams and pills that cleanse the body of the toxins that cause unsightly blemishes. The Dermology acne solution treatment works wonders for those who get mild to moderate breakouts, while the HealFast acne treatment utilizes the whole egg philosophy to tackle tough breakouts. Scars from breakouts, burns, and accidents can be successfully treated with Revitol scar cream.

“The medication for acne scar treatment is unique in that it may diminish or even completely eliminate scars that result from acne,” said Dr. Rivera. “Usually, if you don't put treatment on acne scars they will last forever. The treatments on my site are very effective at improving the appearance of scars.”

