
How to Know If You're Suffering from Hemorrhoids Read more on Newsmax.com: How to Know If You're Suffering from Hemorrhoids Important: Do You Support Pres. Obama's Re-Election? Vote Here Now!

Hemorrhoids are a painful condition and one that many people do not feel comfortable discussing. The following symptoms could be a good indication that you have hemorrhoids and may need to see a doctor or seek treatment:

1. Blood in your stool is one of the first indicators that there is a problem. Blood masses under the skin make a hard painful lump that can be felt when sitting for long periods or straining to pass a bowel movement. This is normally the case with external hemorrhoids. However, in internal hemorrhoids, you may find bright streaks of blood on your toilet paper or in the toilet bowl after passing a normal bowel movement. You may also see blood on the surface or inside your stools.

2. Itching and Skin Irritation are two of the most common symptoms one possesses when they're suffering from hemorrhoids. Because the internal hemorrhoid secretes a mucus, it often dries on the anal skin and causes irritation and itching.

3. Digestive Discomfort is very common when one has hemorrhoids. While you may have just had a bowel movement, you may feel the strong impulse to go again. This is caused because the bulging hemorrhoid is at the edge of the large intestine and your body feels the need to pass it, which of course, it can't. The bigger the hemorrhoid, the more discomfort you'll encounter.

4. Pain can accompany hemorrhoids, although this is rarely the case with internal hemorrhoids. If the hemorrhoid is large, it may be squeezed by the anal muscles, causing pain.

There are other conditions that have similar symptoms to hemorrhoids, such as anal fissures, colon polyps, and inflammatory bowel disease, so you should not self treat this problem the first time around. Instead, see your doctor if the symptoms do not pass within a week. Bleeding from the rectum, pain, and recent changes to the bowel passing process can indicate cancer, so if you're over 50 or have a history of colon cancer in your family, you should definitely see a doctor about your symptoms.

